An independent school funded directly by central government. Since an
Academy is not maintained by a local authority, it is free from local authority control, monitoring, support and intervention. -
Academy Conversion Legal Costs
The costs of legal advice and the provision of documents necessary to establish an Academy.
The Blessed Edward Bamber Catholic Multi Academy Trust (BEBCMAT)
A group of Catholic Schools within Blackpool -
Board of Directors
A body responsible for all of the academies in a trust. The majority of the directors in the BEBCMAT will be appointed by the Bishop of Lancaster.
Apart from key statutes such as the Companies Act and the Academies Act 2010 a Multi Academy Company is governed by its Articles of Association as a company and by the contracts it enters into and is run in accordance with company/contract law.
Local Academy Board/Governing
Part of the governance and leadership structure of the MAT. The full Bodies scope and role are yet to be determined.
Multi Academy Trust (MAT)
A company formed to run two or more academies (schools).
National College for School Leadership (NCSL)
An executive agency of the Department for Education.
School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD)
The statutory pay and conditions document STPCD will be retained by the Trust (BEBCMAT).
A relationship, in this instance, between a family of Catholic Schools in which ‘trustees’ are legally responsible for holding assets. The assets – such as land, money or buildings – are placed in trust for the benefit of each school and all the schools.