Core Principles

Our core principles are:

  • Educating the whole person – We recognise that strong academic achievements enable our children and young people to successfully access their next steps in education, employment or training. We celebrate that each individual is made in God’s image and has unique God-given talents to be recognised and harnessed.

John 10:10 – ‘I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full’

  • Aiming for excellence in all that we do – from quality of the curriculum, pathways and opportunities for pupils, to Trust financial security.
  • Working together for the Common Good – whilst maintaining the distinctiveness of each school which serves its own unique community.




The Mission of the Trust outlines our core purpose.

In Blessed Edward Bamber CMAT, the mission of the Trust is for all of our Catholic schools to work together to:


Develop excellence

By providing the best possible opportunities for every child through consistently delivering a high-quality education

Build strong communities

By providing a support and service to our families, parishes and wider communities, with an unrelenting focus on those most disadvantaged and vulnerable in our society

With Gospel values at the heart of all we do

We will invest in the ongoing professional training and development for the whole Trust community, with Christ at the centre.





The Vision of the Trust focuses on the ‘destination’ of our journey – it gives us a steer and aspirational aim.

Through collective responsibility, united in our Catholic faith, we will provide bespoke support to:

  • Enable each school to thrive spiritually, academically and financially
  • Enable our children and young people to belong, engage and become - reach their full potential.



Trusting in our faith and our Catholic mission, we will work as one family of schools together and with our wider communities.

Pupils and staff across the Trust are cherished for who they are and all achievements are celebrated.



Pupils and students immerse themselves in the experience of education in the Trust. We raise aspirations and build for the future through high-quality learning and wider opportunities.


Our pupils and staff grow and thrive as members of a Catholic community with shared values and grow to reach their full potential.

Schools grow in success educationally, financially and spiritually.


Core Values


Trust      Respect


Hope        Service