Our purpose
Our core principles are:
- Educating the whole person – We recognise that strong academic achievements enable our children and young people to successfully access their next steps in education, employment or training. We celebrate that each individual is made in God’s image and has unique God-given talents to be recognised and harnessed.
John 10:10 – ‘I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full’
- Aiming for excellence in all that we do – from quality of the curriculum, pathways and opportunities for pupils, to Trust financial security.
- Working together for the Common Good – whilst maintaining the distinctiveness of each school which serves its own unique community.
Our Approach
In Blessed Edward Bamber MAT, the mission of the Trust is for all of our Catholic schools to work together to:
Develop Excellence
In Blessed Edward Bamber MAT, the mission of the Trust is for all of our Catholic schools to work together to:
Build Strong Communities
By providing a support and service to our families, parishes and wider communities, with an unrelenting focus on those most disadvantaged and vulnerable in our society
With Gospel values at the heart of all we do
We will invest in the ongoing professional training and development for the whole Trust community, with Christ at the centre.
We will do this in partnership with our pupils, parents, staff, parishes and the communities we serve.
Our core values of Trust, Respect, Faith, Hope and Service are our hallmarks.
We are values-driven. This means that we are committed to protecting, preserving and promoting Catholic education for all of our pupils. We will do this by celebrating the unique identities of our Catholic schools.
Benefits of being part of a Catholic MAT
The benefits of joining a Catholic Multi Academy Trust are many and varied. As the Bishop of Lancaster states, Catholic MATs are a secure way to protect, preserve and improve Catholic education across the Diocese.
Being a member of BEBCMAT means all of the schools in the Trust working together to provide a first-class Catholic education, valuing staff and pupils, investing in their future, working in true collaboration and partnership with others.
Working in partnership, all of the schools in the Trust work closely together to create a sustainable model of high-quality education for all pupils. We believe that sharing ideas that work, learning from each other and allowing leaders and staff to focus on the core purpose of education enables us to move forward as a family of schools. As a Trust, with shared central services, schools can also benefit from economies of scale when purchasing and commissioning external contracts. The work of the central team at the Trust will free up leaders to focus on school improvement and enhancing the academic, spiritual and lives of pupils. The Trust can provide great opportunities for staff recruitment, retention and professional development.